Home Games How to Make a Lead in Minecraft in 5 Simple Steps

How to Make a Lead in Minecraft in 5 Simple Steps


In the 1.6 updates of Minecraft, an item named lead (also known as a leash) was added. You can tie mobs to the fence using a lead and you can even tie multiple mobs with it (up to 7 mobs tested). However, the primary purpose of the lead is to tie your horses so that they don’t run away. You can craft a lead by using a slimeball ad 4 strings.

If you kill Llama of any wandering trader or he died, they could also give you up to 2 leads. Once you have tied a mob with the lead, they will follow you like animals where ever you go. Minecraft game lead can expand up to 10 blocks before being dropped and upon dropping the captured mobs are free and they can go anywhere they want. It is time to have a look at the Minecraft lead recipe.


Minecraft’ is a single and/or multi-player game that lets the player build their worlds having all possible necessities like houses, resources, pets, and even foes that might give you a hard time in your game life. The game offers a variety of different modes that will suit virtually any gamer around the world. The game is an open-world environment game and lets you play with your creativity and imagination eventually helping in enhancing your skills especially for the growing children. If you are someone who likes more of a challenging game, there is also a survivor mode the game in which you have to win the battle against the creatures of the night.

Where to Find a Lead in Creative Mode

Required Materials to Make a Lead

For the lead recipe, Minecraft, the below materials are required.

  • 1 slimeball
  • 4 strings

How to Craft a Lead in Survival Mode

1- Open Crafting Menu: open your crafting table so that you have the 3×3 crafting grid.


2- Add Items to Make a Lead: In your 3×3 grid in the crafting area, place 4 string and 1 slimeball (also called Redstone dust). When making a lead, the strings and slimeball must be placed in the exact pattern as the image below.

  • First row: string, string, empty
  • Second row: string, slimeball, empty
  • Third row: empty, empty, string


Here it is, your lead Minecraft recipe.

3- Move Crafted Lead to Inventory: Done crafting your lead Minecraft. It is now time to move it to the inventory for later usage.


Steps to Make a Lead in Minecraft

  1. Open your crafting table and you will see a 3×3 grid. Proceed to navigate the grid blocks from the left to right.
  2. Add Items to your crafting grid as follows. Add 1 string in the first block of the first row, another in the second block, and leave the third block of the first row empty.
  3. In the second row, place the string in the first block, slimeball in the second box, and leave the third block empty.
  4. In the third row, leave the first two blocks empty and add a string in the last (3rd) block. To this and your lead crafting recipe is complete.
  5. After crafting the lead, drag and drop it to your inventory.

What Animals Can Be Tied With a Lead?

You can tie horse, pig, donkey, and mule with the lead.

Can You Use a Lead on a Villager?

Villagers can now no longer be leashed. Before this, villagers could be leashed only in multiplayer, as it required one player to open the trade interface and another to leash the villager while the trade interface was open.

How Do You Get a Slimeball in Minecraft?

You can add a slimeball to your inventory in Survival mode by killing a slime. You can usually find slime in a Swampland biome. Slimes will spawn in the dark, usually at night. If you are having trouble finding a slime, you can summon a slime using a cheat or you can use a spawn egg.

Do Villagers Trade Slimeballs?

Yes, wandering villagers will trade slimeball with you. You can also obtain slimeball once a wandering villager is dead or Llama is killed.

Give Command for Lead

Useful Minecraft Game Guides

  1. How to Make a Book in Minecraft
  2. How to Make a Saddle in Minecraft
  3. How to Make Paper in Minecraft
  4. How to Make Bookshelf in Minecraft
  5. How to Make a Blast Furnace in Minecraft
  6. How Do You Make a Book and Quill in Minecraft

Final Verdict

That’s all folks! Your guide to lead Minecraft recipe ends here. We are pretty sure that by now you have learned everything on how to make a lead in Minecraft. What it is? How it is used? Where you can find it? What materials are required? Steps to Minecraft lead recipe. What commands to use? Did we miss something? We hope not. Enjoy the game.

How to Make a Lead in Minecraft in 5 Simple Steps
Article Name
How to Make a Lead in Minecraft in 5 Simple Steps
In this tutorial, you will learn how to make a lead in Minecraft. Leads are items used to leash and lead utility mobs, passive mobs, zoglins, and Hollins.
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Gaming World Express
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